Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Were I got my facts and pictures

I got my facts on the Cherokee tribe from three books called:
The Cherokee,
Cherokee, and
The Cherokee tribe
I got all my fox pictures from a guy named Mikebaird and the rest from Flikr.com.
I got the Bear legend story from this web site http://www.ilhawaii.net/~stony/lore54.html and if you want to hear more story on it too they have more

Monday, November 16, 2009

Bear Legend

I read a story called the Bear Legend. The story came from the Cherokee tribe and the legend is that a boy went into the woods every day. The boy stayed there long and longer each day that he would not come back for and he got hairy. His parents got worried about him and asked him to stay but he said “I find plenty to eat there, and it is better than the corn and beans we have in the settlements, and pretty soon I am going into the woods to say all the time.” Then he said “It is better there than here, and you see I am beginning to be different already, so that I can not live here any longer. If you will come with me, there is plenty for all of us and you will never have to work for it; but if you want to come, you must first fast seven days”. The parents told the headman in the clan he told them that we should fallow the boy into the woods after the seven day and they did at the end they were all hairy and the other clan in the Cherokee tribe said that this was not right. The whole clan became bears and they told the other clan that it was all right to kill them and they were fine with it. The story shows that this legend said that it was all right to kill the bears because the other people from other clans were related to them. This gave them freedom to kill the bears.

Fox story

Tadita and Bodaway ran all the way into the woods. Then Osyka, Tadita’s dad yelled “Tadita!! Come here you need to help your mother with cooking!” so Tadita and Bodaway had to run all the way back to the other side of the woods to help his mother. As Bodaway ran his tail flung side-to-side and his cheeks were wiggling. It made Tadita laugh so Bodaway looked up at Tadita it looked like he was saying stop laughing at me. So when Tadita got to Angeni, Tadita’s mom and little sister Amitola was there. So he had to help cook the deer. He hated cooking the food but he and Bodaway love eating it. After eating the deer, Tadita saved a piece of deer for Bodaway as a treat. Tadita was so tired that when they all went in the house after eating he laid down on his animal skin and went right to bed.

Today when Tadita woke up his mom cooked corn mush and he doesn’t like it that much but his mom said that she would not make anything else. So after he ate he went to go play Hoop and Pole, which is a game were someone rolls a hula hope out and another person trys to throw a stick through the hoop when the hoop is moving. But no one wanted to play with him. All the other kids looked sad. So Tadita went up to Adahy another Cherokee boy to ask why everyone was sad. Adahy said that another clan near by just got a letter from the government that said they were getting moved further west. Tadita was scared by this and went right home. When he got there Bodaway was happy to see him but instead of Tadita coming and petting him he ran over to Osyka and asked him if he knew what was happening. His father said yes and that the government was coming for their clan next. Tadita was so scared he did not know what was going to happen.

Later that day a strange man dressed in nice clothes and pale skin came to the village. When the man saw Tadita, he sneered at him and got off his horse and went over to the chief and said “the government needs this land. So we are moving your tribe to Oklahoma. We will be here tomorrow to bring you there.” The man got back on his horse and rode away. Tadita went over to the chief and said “what can we do now” and the chief said we wait for them to come. So that night Tadita started to cry and Bodaway came over and snuggled up against him that calmed him and then he went to bed.

Three days later a lot of people were running around in their home and that’s when Tadita knew that they were here, the government people. He got up from his bed and went out side he saw tones of the pale looking people and people were getting pulled into this line and chained up. Tadita was scared so he ran back inside and told his mom and she looked at him crying and hugged him. All of a sudden a voice yelled out “someone is in here” and a solider ran into their house and pulled Osyka out. Then two other soldiers came and pulled Tadita and Amitola out and the other pulled Angeni out. Bodaway came after the family not knowing what to do. Then they started walking on the trail that is now called the Trail of Tears. That night they lad down on grass and it was so cold out.

When they woke up the next morning one of the families’ baby died. Tadita knew this was going to be a hard time. But Bodaway made them happy as he walked along the side of them.

Eighteen days later Tadita got very ill and could not even walk so Osyka had to carry him and all Tadita did was sleep and would not eat. Bodaway always pushed food towards him but he would not take it and poor Bodaway knew that something was not right with tones of people being sick.

Three days later Tadita died when everyone was a sleep Bodaway sat there and tried to wake him up but he would not wake up. Bodaway stayed there with Tadita as his family had to go on they cried the whole way. Bodaway stayed there and did not eat. He died too. Bodaway and Tadita’s family says there souls play with each other up in the sky.

Facts on the Cherokee tribe

Facts About The Cherokee Tribe

• The Indians ate corn, squash, beans, deer, elk, fish, and bear.
• They lived in round houses made of wood and plastered in mud and grass with roofs made of bark.
• The Cherokee men wore breechcloth which was a piece of deerskin that passed between the legs and tied with a belt.
• Women wore deerskin tops and skirts.
• The Cherokee’s had their own language
• The Cherokee’s held special events like the Green Corn, Harvest, and Strawberry.
• In the Cherokee tribe has equal rights for woman and men.
• Trail of Tears is when Andrew Jackson made the Cherokee tribe move to Oklahoma and more then 4,000 Cherokee died.
• The Shaman is like the priest and the medicine man in the Cherokee tribe.
• The Cherokee tribe had their own game called Hoop and Pole that’s a game that men and boys played to gain skill.
• The Cherokee tribe painted themselves bright colors for wars.
• They farmed a lot of plants but mostly corn.• The Cherokee tribe hunted with arrows and blowguns.
Today facts
  • The Cherokee tribe is the largest tribe today